EBMUD Private Sewer Lateral (PSL) Compliance


With mandates from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the East Bay Municipal District (EBMUD) formed the East Bay Regional Private Sewer Lateral Program. The EBMUD PSL Program has a large impact on Bay area residents and property owners, especially those with old and aging sewer laterals in need of repair. … Read More

How to Identify the Symptoms of a Sewer Line Break

identify broken sewer line

The sewer line is a part of your house. Just like your roof, your doors and your windows – it serves a particular function and purpose. If left unchecked, breaks and fractures can cause a lot of distress and property damage. Learning how to identify the symptoms of a sewer line break can prevent these issues. Common Symptoms and Solutions … Read More

How to Maintain Your Water Heater

It’s easy to forget about maintenance for your water heater because they can work just fine for 10 or more years without paying much attention to them. But did you know you could extend the life of your water heater with just a bit of maintenance each year? In this article, we’ll show you some useful tips on how to maintain your … Read More

What Are Grease Traps and How Do They Benefit Sewer Lines

When fat, oil, and grease (FOG) are poured down the drain, sewer blockages and overflows can occur. Sewer overflows spill raw sewage onto city streets and sidewalks, into storm drains leading to the Bay, and onto your property becoming a health hazard. Grease traps and supporting systems and services can help reduce blockages and overflows in our draining systems. What Are … Read More

Sewer Lateral Compliance as it Relates to Buying a Home in the East Bay

When purchasing a home in the East Bay, many people are unaware of the property’s sewer lateral compliance status. This can create many pitfalls and missteps that can lead to a lot of expensive consequences for homeowners. As sewer lateral compliance is one of the most complex processes a homeowner will go through around purchasing a new house, Pipe Spy … Read More

How We Replace Sewer Lines in the Basement or Under a Slab Foundation

One of the most unfortunate places for a sewer line leak is in your concrete basement or especially under a slab foundation home. These leaks can exponentially increase your water bill and cause long-term property damage if unresolved. But don’t panic if you notice signs of sewer line damage in your basement. Pipe Spy may be able to help you … Read More

HOA Sewer Lateral Compliance 2020: What You’ll Need to Know to Get Started

This post is the first in our HOA Sewer Lateral Compliance Series. Home Owner Associations (HOAs) in the Bay Area need to be ready to obtain their sewer compliance by 2020. With the deadline right around the corner, the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), particular cities, and Pipe Spy are encouraging HOAs to prepare for obtaining their sewer compliance. … Read More

Sustainable Plumbing: Improving the World and Leaving No One Behind

Sustainable plumbing has plenty of benefits, including energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and cost effectivenes. For those reasons, it’s best for communities, households, and individuals to invest in reliable plumbing systems. Due to the many great benefits of sustainable plumbing, we want to spread awareness about the many upcoming recognition days meant to acknowledge the work we do as plumbers, … Read More

The Busiest Time for a Plumber

Every industry has fluctuations throughout the year, and plumbing’s no different. Factors such as weather and seasonal demands determine the busiest time for a plumber. Calling a plumber when they are at the height of their busy season can delay more urgent maintenance and repairs. So, knowing these times is important so you can plan accordingly. When is the Busiest … Read More

The History of Trenchless Sewer Repair

Over the past few decades, trenchless technology has revolutionized sewer repair. No-dig sewer replacement has become more well-known in recent years thanks to benefits, such as environmental friendliness, cost savings, and minimal disturbance to surroundings. But did you know that this method wasn’t approved for use by local contractors in the East Bay area prior to 1998? Why Trenchless Sewer … Read More