What Are Requirements for Private Sewer Laterals in Oakland and the East Bay?


In the East Bay region of California, all residential, commercial, and industrial properties are subject to the East Bay Municipal Utility District Private Sewer Lateral Program (EBMUD PSL) Program. The EBMUD ordinance is a local program designed to improve the quality of San Francisco Bay Area water resources. Old, cracked sewer pipes can allow rain to infiltrate municipal wastewater facilities: … Read More

Sewer Lateral Compliance Guide for HOAs and Condo Owners


Sewer lateral compliance is a frequent topic for property owners in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Oakland and the East Bay. Both homeowner’s associations administrators and HOA members often have questions about how private sewer lateral compliance works.. What is the EBMUD PSL Program?  EBMUD (East Bay Municipal District) was formed to improve the water quality of the entire … Read More

What Is Sewer System Smoke Testing?


Property owners in Oakland and Berkeley may experience “random city smoke testing.” Local ordinances require sewer lines to be tested for code compliance. What Is Sewer System Smoke Testing? Underground smoke testing is used to detect deficiencies in sewer pipes and the sewage system. Smoke tests can be especially important after episodes of heavy rainfall. Smoke testing is a low-cost … Read More

PSL Pressure Testing Procedure


If you’re a property owner in the San Francisco Bay Area, make sure sure informed about private sewer later (PSL) pressure tests. A PSL pressure test affects private sewer laterals in the East Bay and much of the greater Bay Area. PSL pressure tests are essential for current and potential property owners who wish to buy, sell, build, or remodel … Read More

What Is a Private Sewer Lateral and How Does It Work?

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Most homeowners only think about sewer lines until there’s a problem. Whenever there’s and problem with your home’s sewage system – and you live in Oakland or the East Bay – chances are you’ll be learning about the concept of a private sewer lateral (or PSL). What is a Private Sewer Lateral? A private sewer lateral (PSL) is the pipe that connects … Read More

How to Identify and Repair a Sewer Line Belly


If you suspect a major plumbing issue, such as a sewer line belly, stop and call Pipe Spy immediately. Sewer line bellies, or sags in the pipe, can cause significant issues like standing water, sediment buildup, and eventually blockages or backups. These occur due to factors like poor installation, improper soil bedding, and external forces such as tree roots or … Read More

Is Buying Sewer Insurance a Good Idea?


You may have heard about sewer insurance and wondered whether you should invest in the protection. Indeed sewer line and sewer lateral repairs can easily run into the thousands of dollars. Why not get insurance and peace of mind, if monthly premiums are only around 15 dollars a month? Well, like many things in life: It’s complicated. First of all, … Read More

EBMUD Private Sewer Lateral (PSL) Compliance


With mandates from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the East Bay Municipal District (EBMUD) formed the East Bay Regional Private Sewer Lateral Program. The EBMUD PSL Program has a large impact on Bay area residents and property owners, especially those with old and aging sewer laterals in need of repair. … Read More

The Importance of a Sewer Inspection Before Buying a Home

Buying a home can be one of the most challenging things you do in life. It’s often a stressful process with so many things you need to discover, learn, and understand. The laundry list of items to be considered seems never ending, and well-intended custodians can sometimes forget to disclose costly details in the race to win you the home … Read More

Sewer Lateral Compliance as it Relates to Buying a Home in the East Bay

When purchasing a home in the East Bay, many people are unaware of the property’s sewer lateral compliance status. This can create many pitfalls and missteps that can lead to a lot of expensive consequences for homeowners. As sewer lateral compliance is one of the most complex processes a homeowner will go through around purchasing a new house, Pipe Spy … Read More