
Industry Organizations

Pipe Spy participates in industry organizations to bring you the best service, value and technical advancements in trenchless sewer technology.

Our BBB Listing
Our Yelp Listing
Our Diamond-Cerified Profile
Our NASTT Listing
ASCE Member
Our CA Green Business Listing
Our Oakland Grown Local Business Listing
2019 Best Sewer Line Contractor in the East Bay

National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO)

We are NASSCO members so that our customers get the best trenchless sewer service and technologies from the best-trained sewer technicians.


North American Society For Trenchless Technology (NASTT)

We share NASTT’s mission: “to advance trenchless technology and to promote its benefits for the public and the natural environment.”


International Pipe Bursting Association (IPBA)

Pipe Spy values its IPBA membership for the training, education, and industry leadership the association provides to its trenchless sewer replacement industry members.


 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Pipe Spy provides expert engineered plumbing solutions. Through our ASCE membership, we increase our knowledge, for your benefit.