What happens when you receive a Deficiency Notice?


If you receive a deficiency notice for your private sewer lateral from the City of Oakland or other East Bay municipality, it means the city has identified a problem with the pipe that carries wastewater from your house to the main sewer line, i.e, your private sewer lateral. As a homeowner, you are responsible for addressing this issue. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Understand the deficiency: The notice you receive from the City of Oakland or other East Bay municipal government should outline the specific problem with your sewer lateral. The issue could be anything from cracks and leaks to root intrusion or misalignment. Call us at Pipe Spy to request an inspection, and we will  identify the precise source of the problem as well as prescribe an appropriate remedy, so that your property is in full compliance with codes.
  2. Contact an expert plumber: Our advice is to choose a licensed plumber who specializes in sewer lateral repair. At Pipe Spy, we are the leading sewer lateral repair contractor in Oakland and the EastBay Area, including Berkeley, Alameda, and Richmond. Homeowners in the East Bay have depended on us since 1998.
  3. Do not ignore the notice: Speak to a qualified sewer repair plumber and schedule an inspection as soon as possible. We are happy to help at Pipe Spy. We are experts at conducting sewer line camera inspections.city of oakland deficiency notice
  4. Schedule sewer line repair: Neglecting a sewer lateral issue could lead to greater problems down the line, including sewer backups, damage to your property, and even possible fines from City authorities. At Pipe Spy, we maintain a professional plumbing crews and can generally be at your property within 24 hours to conduct an inspection.
  5. Obtain the appropriate permits: Depending on the nature of the repair, you may need to obtain permits from the City of Oakland or other municipal authority. The plumber you hire should be familiar with the permitting process and can guide you accordingly. At Pipe Spy, we are veterans at sewer lateral repairs and inspections. We will shepherd you through the permitting process to ensure full compliance with city codes.
  6. Submit proof of repair: Once sewer lateral repairs are complete, we can provide documentation for  submission to the city. You may need to submit this proof to the City of Oakland to verity that the deficiency has been resolved. Pipe Spy is happy to assist you with this verification process.

Remediating a sewer lateral deficiency is critical for maintaining your property and adhering to environmental impact standards – as well complying with city regulations.

Please contact us to Pipe Spy, if you have any questions about receiving a sewer line deficiency notice from the City of Oakland or other East Bay municipality.