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Sustainable Plumbing: Improving the World and Leaving No One Behind

Sustainable plumbing has plenty of benefits, including energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and cost effectivenes. For those reasons, it’s best for communities, households, and individuals to invest in reliable plumbing systems.

Due to the many great benefits of sustainable plumbing, we want to spread awareness about the many upcoming recognition days meant to acknowledge the work we do as plumbers, as well as the importance of preserving natural water resources worldwide.

Upcoming Events in 2019


Below are the upcoming events to appreciate the importance of sustainable plumbing and clean water.

World Plumbing Day 2019

  1. WHEN: March 11, 2019 (annually)

  2. WHAT: An international event “promoting the link between good quality plumbing, health, environmental sustainability, and economic prosperity.”

Since its establishment by the World Plumbing Council in 2010, World Plumbing Day has been held on March 11 every year to bring people within and outside of the plumbing community together to recognize the importance of plumbing to our public health.

The theme of this year’s World Plumbing Day is “how plumbing improves the world.” This theme encourages the education of plumbing to improve access to quality fresh water and safe sanitation.

Learn more at, and join the conversation with #WorldPlumbingDay. Check your local media outlets for possible activities supporting the day.

Groundwater Cartoon

National Groundwater Awareness Week 2019

  1. WHEN: March 10-16, 2019 (annually)

  2. WHAT: An international event, National Groundwater Awareness Week provides an opportunity for people to learn about the importance of groundwater and how the resource impacts lives.

Established by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) in 1999, this annual event highlights the fact that groundwater is the most extracted natural resource in the world and that life as we know it depends on it. So, National Groundwater Awareness Week is intended to teach people about the importance of groundwater to our livelihood and the many ways we can help to preserve and protect it.

Learn more at or join the conversation with #GWAW2019. Check your local media outlets for information on possible activities around this week of learning.


World Water Day 2019

  1. WHEN: March 22, 2019 (annually)

  2. WHAT: A day “about tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind.”

Held annually, this international event was first designated by the UN in 1993. It is intended to raise awareness of the water crisis occurring worldwide and create solutions to address it.

This year’s theme is “leaving no one behind,” which is an initiative to provide safe, drinkable water for every human being by the year 2030—and plumbers will be instrumental in realizing this effort. Learn more at

National Earth Day 2019

  1. WHEN: April 22, 2019 (annually)

  2. WHAT: A day meant to honor the Earth and demonstrate support for environmental protections through various campaigns and actions.

Celebrated worldwide every year on April 22, Earth Day was first proposed in 1969 right here in the Bay Area by peace activist John McConnell. The first Earth Day was held in 1970, and according to the EPA, 22 million Americans took the opportunity to “celebrate clean air, land, and water.” Today, more than 1 billion people worldwide participate in Earth Day activities.

Learn more about Earth Day on Wikipedia and join the conversation on April 22 with #EarthDay, or any day of the year with #EarthDayEveryDay.

Also, feel free to participate in these Earth Day events around the Bay area:

Oakland Earth Day

  1. WHEN: April 20, 2019

  2. WHAT: A local, citywide event where volunteers of all ages and abilities are invited to join Earth Day projects to clean and green Oakland.

Oakland Earth Day is the city’s largest community volunteer event in which participants can choose from a variety of different activities and sites. We plan to be involved by hosting a volunteer project to help the greening efforts of the city. Follow us on Twitter @PipeSpyInc to get the latest as we roll out event details. Learn more at

Berkeley Earth Day

  1. WHEN: April 21, 2019

  2. WHAT: An event in Berkeley to bring the Bay Area environment community together to celebrate the vision for a sustainable future.

This local event is held to raise awareness about sustainable living and educate the community about ways to reduce our negative impact while preserving some of the Earth’s key ecosystems. Learn more at

National Hug a Plumber Day 2019

  1. WHEN: April 25, 2019 (annually)

  2. WHAT: A national holiday to appreciate plumbers around the world.

National Hug a Plumber Day is the one day out of the year to show appreciation to the plumbers who’ve fixed your leaks, unclogged your drains, and repaired your sewer line backups. Use this day to show your plumber your appreciation. Join the conversation on April 25 with #HugAPlumber.

Pipe Spy’s Environmental Community

We know our customers want to partner with a sewage community they can trust not to cut corners or put our environment at risk. It’s a sewage company’s social and environmental responsibility to maintain sustainable, eco-friendly plumbing practices.


Green Business Certification

Pipe Spy is a certified Green Business by the California Green Business Program, which verifies that we make practical efforts to help improve the community and the environment.

According to the California Green Business Program, certified businesses have saved:

  1. 976,914 metric tons of CO2, or the equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 924,751 acres of U.S. forest per year.

  2. $41M, in utility savings for small businesses.

  3. 1,422,192 metric tons of waste, or the equivalent of 101,585 garbage trucks

  4. 783,811,998 gallons of water, or the equivalent of 428 bathtubs of fresh drinking water every hour.

We take immense gratification from doing work that is responsible and efficient. It’s best for us, it’s best for the environment, and it’s best for our community.

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